The assistance is provided to National level training institutions operating under the Ministry of MSME, namely, NIMSME, KVIC, Coir Board, Tool Rooms, NSIC & MGIRI in the form of capital grant for the purpose of creation and strengthening of infrastructure and support for entrepreneurship development and skill development training programmes. Assistance is also provided to existing State level EDIs for creation or strengthening/expansion of their training infrastructure.
Nature of assistance
Amount of assistance will not exceed the actual amount for strengthening/ expansion of the infrastructure required by the training institutions of this Ministry. Scale of maximum assistance to the State level EDIs will be restricted to Rs.2.5 crore in each case. Assistance for skill development programmes will be provided as per the prescribed rates.
Who can apply?
Institutions of Ministry of MSME and existing State level EDIs
How to apply
Organisations who wish to apply for assistance for creation or strengthening of infrastructure may send their applications to the Director (EDI), Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Udyog Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi - 110 107.
Scheme for Assistance to Training Institutions
The objective of the Assistance to Training Institutions (ATI) scheme is to strengthen capacity for training for Skill Development, entrepreneurship, undertaking research and studies on MSME related issues, providing training to staff of DICs and related Government institutions dealing with MSMEs and strengthening overall capacity of National Institutions under Ministry of MSME to undertake these trainings.
The objective of the scheme is to build capacity both physical infrastructure and Human Resource (HR) in National Level Institutions under Ministry of MSME to undertake skill development.
Assistance Under the Scheme
Following are the assistance to Training Institutions under the scheme.
Assistance to Training Institutions of Ministry of MSME (MoMSME)
Assistance to State Level EDIs
Assistance for undertaking research and studies
Assistance for establishing MSME Chair
Assistance for Training Programmes
Assistance to Training Institutions of Ministry of MSME (MoMSME)
Assistance may be provided under the scheme for creation or strengthening/ expansion of infrastructure, including opening of new branches/centres to training institutions of Ministry of MSME and for meeting revenue deficit, if any, of National Institute for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (NIMSME).
Scale of assistance
Amount of assistance will not exceed the actual amount required for creation or strengthening/expansion of the infrastructure of the training institution and meeting the revenue deficit, etc. of NIMSME.
Assistance to State Level EDIs
Assistance may be provided under the scheme to existing State Level EDIs (Entrepreneurship Development Institutes) i.e. owned and controlled by a State Government/UT for developing capabilities in undertaking studies and research on MSME related issues.
The financial assistance will be for specific needs of each case for construction of building, purchase of training aids/equipments, office equipments, computers and for providing other support services e.g. libraries/data bases, etc. The costs of land, construction of staff quarters, etc. would not qualify for calculation of matching grant from the Central Government.
Financial assistance under the scheme will not be available, henceforth, for setting up of a new EDI. However, the proposals approved or committed earlier would be processed for financial assistance in accordance with the pre-revised guidelines.