
25 Apr 2023

Trade and Industry Related Functional Support Services (TIRFSS) - Coir Industry


Collection of statistical data pertaining to various aspects like production, productivity, labour infrastructure, raw material, marketing etc. is required for providing feedback to the trade and industry and for evolving appropriate policy for the overall organized and systematic development of the coir industry. Introduction and maintenance of an updated and effective IT related management information system is an in escapable requirement for the development of this highly competitive sector.

Nature of assistance

The component provides accessible export data such as name of importing countries, value and quantum of export to each country. Survey & Study reports of various sectors are available for the Coir Industry. HRD Program can be utilised by coir workers for the betterment of their knowledge in tune with modern technology.

Who can apply?

The Board's officials, stake holders of the industry, manufacturers, coir workers and major market player can avail of HRD program organized under the scheme.

Key Benefits

  • Dissemination of data on all aspects of coir industry

Detailed Information

  • Any individual can avail of Trade Information data.
  • Individual coir workers can avail of HRD training facilitie.

Scheme applicable for 

Existing and Aspiring Entrepreneurs.


Trade and Industry Related Functional Support Services comprises of the following components:

  • Knowledge Management
  • Information Management
  • Infrastructure Creation
  • Human Resource Development

Knowledge Management

The knowledge management component is further classified into the following sub-components:


1) Accessible export data such as name of export countries, quantum of export in country basis

2) Survey & Study reports of various sectors are available for the Coir Industry

3) HRD Program can be utilized by coir workers for the betterment of their knowledge in tunes of modern technology


1. Coir workers and new entrepreneurs can avail the HRD program, organized under the scheme

2. HRD Program can be utlised by coir workers for the betterment of their knowledge in tunes of modern technology