
23 Aug 2023

Financial Assistance to Traditional Artisans (Panchavrutthi Scheme)



·       To Purchase modern tools and upgrade the Technological skill, the traditional artisans of Vishwakarma Communities are provided with financial assistance by sanctioning loan to the extent of the unit cost of Rs.1,00,000/- a maximum amount of Rs.80,000/- is provided as loan at the rate of 4% per annum, and a maximum of Rs.20,000/- as subsidy.

·       The loan is repayable in 34 equal instalments with 2 months grace period for 3 years.

·       The Panchavrutthi scheme includes the following occupations (1) Gold& Silver work, (2) Sculpture, (3) Blacksmith, (4) Woodwork& Handicrafts, (5) Metallurgy




·       Traditional artisans of Vishwakarma Community