
18 Aug 2023

Investment Promotion Subsidy for Medium Enterprises


Medium enterprises

Turnover percentage

Zone 1 - 2.50% of turnover (max 40% of VFA)

Zone 2 - 2.50% of turnover (max 35% of VFA)

Zone 3 – Nil

Maximum Period (Years)

Zone 1 – 6 years

Zone 2 - 5 years

Zone 3 – Nil

VFA Limit

Zone 1 – 40 % of VFA

Zone 2 - 35 % of VFA

Zone 3 – Nil

Medium Enterprises can avail an investment promotion subsidy to an extent of percentage of the turnover in each financial year for a maximum period as above from the date of commercial production. Such cumulative investment promotion subsidy availed will be limited to either the period or VFA limits whichever is reached earlier and no carry forward is permitted.